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radar map中文是什么意思

用"radar map"造句"radar map"怎么读"radar map" in a sentence


  • 雷达导航图
  • 雷达地图
  • 雷达图


  • Awacs thunderhead hurry to the designated area and provide close air support . activate your radar map to check location
  • The above image is a false - color synthetic radar map of a northern region of titan taken during a flyby of the cloudy moon by the robotic cassini spacecraft last july
  • The study mainly involves the theory of competitiveness , regional economics , industrial economics and tourism principles , etc . the methods used in the study mainly include expert investigation , analytic hierarchy process , radar map method , and competitiveness imitation method
  • Operations guide : cs and actually somewhat similar , upper right a radar map , to tell you which direction visual excitement while there , infinite ammunition , visual excitement while targeting only tried to shoot , it shot up to date , to be careful of is , as long as it is encountered , you freezing
  • The thesis synthesizes international literature of the core competence and the practice of china power plants , puts forward the index principles , selects 8 kinds 40 indexes , establishes the whole evaluating system of power plant ' s core competence , and evaluates the core competence with the entirely radar map finally
  • Through the collection of internal information , industry information , by the using of questionnaires , interviews , work - log , observation and other methods , we have a comprehensive understanding of the company . then focused on the status of human resources management and performance diagnostic analysis of the current situation , we identify problems and resolve these issues to determine the ways and ideas . by the relevant theoretical guidance of performance management , this article use the method of pie chart analysis , swot ( strengths , weaknesses , opportunities , threats ) analysis , radar map analysis , fish bone analysis , combined with bsc ( balanced scorecard ) , kpi ( key performance indicators ) , and use the idea of mbo ( management
    在绩效管理相关理论的指导下,本文利用了饼图分析法、 swot分析法、雷达图分析法、鱼骨图分析法等分析方法和工具对所收集的信息及数据进行分析处理,结合平衡计分卡( bsc )及关键绩效指标( kpi )法的基本原理,利用目标管理法( mbo )的思想,将以结果为导向和以过程为导向的考核方法做了综合,提取出了基于战略,以岗位目标为导向,行为和业绩并重的绩效指标体系和具体的绩效考核实施方案,并根据公司人力资源实际情况,结合绩效管理pdca的理论思想,成功设计出了一套完整实用的绩效管理体系。
  • In part three , on the basis of concluding evaluation theories and methods of forefathers , the author sets up an index system of competitive power of regional tourism . the methods including expert investigation , radar map method and competitiveness imitation method are selected as key methods to evaluate competitive power of regional tourism
  • According to some principles , an index system of competitive power of regional tourism is set up , and the methods including expert investigation , radar map method and competitiveness imitation method are used in the paper to evaluate tourism competitive power of shaanxi province . the author compares competitive power of shaanxi tourism with other region in the country from several levels to find the problem of shaanxi tourism and puts forward the measures to improve competitive power of shaanxi tourism
用"radar map"造句  
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